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Livestream Summary & Rambling: TokoAn Zatsudan 20 Oct 2020

Inui and Ange did zatsudan at 20 Oct which was so fun. I only summarize a part of it, but it was a very entertaining 1 and a half hour. Ange bike!

TokoAn zatsudan summary:
- They got over 30 submission asking for aishiteru game, which they already did in the past and Inui said I dont need those ever, and Ange said saying it now will be embarrasing but Inui said she can say it without breaking a sweat if she wanna anyway, but asking what is the point. Ange: isnt it to assert dominance over the others? Inui: you dont use Aishiteru words for that!!

-On the topic of where Sanbaka wanna go for vacation, Ange said she wanna go within Japan. Inui mentioned Lize wanna go to Maldives, spending time in resort with good views and like tho she cant swim/afraid of the waters she want to feel how it is like seeing the view from the resort. Both agree Lize and Sebas would wear glasses. Ange talked of Hokkaido, wanting to eat good food and asking if there are onsen in Hokkaido. it progressed to why dont we have Sanbaka going all around Japan tour, Inui commenting they'd have to have their laptop on and stream with shitty internet. Ange suggested ti travel Japan in a yatch, because there'd be Lize there steering the Yatch with straight cool face, in which Inui said then "Ange you'd be on a raft (Ange: let me on thedl darn yatch will you) and I will be swimming (Ange: just how fast would u swim?!)"

It somehow progressed to how there are different type of yatch and if it is then one with just sails, Lize'd have it sunk because she is Ameonna and the weather will be shit, and it will be the worse since she cant fall to the sea as well, being afraid of sea and sharks. Ange was like wont worry since Inui'd catch Lize and hit the shark with the paddle with so much precision she would only make it faint, Inui said meanwhile Ange will go "lizeeee lets go homee" Ange: ur image of me is such a no goody, Inui: it'd be raining in the sea tho, Ange: imma go home LOL

Anyway the vacation talk progressed to how Ange still want Onsen, and Inui agreed Ryokan will feel different. Ange and Inui agreed they'd prolly sleep in a circular position, making a Mercedes Benz logo... and somehow it turned to a talk of sleeping position (Lize is Disney Princess, Inui is a sludge since she slept so deep she basically dead, and Ange having bad sleeping posture)

Ange asked did u even dream, Inui said she does, she said she saw it in full color but there are people who saw dreams in black and white and prolly there are usually people who used to watch monochromic tv

Ange said lately her nightmare is dreaming she cant talk/scream. Inui talked of her nightmare seeing aneberos jumping on trampoline and turning more and more into a monster. Then she talked of this certain room back in hell, her home, which is her grandad's, how whenever she sleep there she would have a dream about ghost and somehow she and her sister will dream of the same ghost dream
Ange's scariest nightmare was her father turning into seeds as a doll cackled in laughter. Inui said "why dont u sow it and have loads of Dad sprouting" and Ange was like that is freaky
..... and that is the "summary" of FIRST marshmallow they answered

This may sound stupid but for those who hasnt watched, they ended the zatsudan with Inui and Ange playing Badminton, Inui served with a serve so hard the soil cracked behind Ange and then from there Lize was born.