Eshtarwind’s translations blog

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Tokyo 7th Sisters Episode Summary - Musubi 2.5

Musubi's 2.5 is about Shihainin getting her to this cooking show, which she was vehemently against. She said the image did not suit her, where Sumire will be better. if variety, then Susu etc is better, someone like her is bad for variety. etc etc.

until Sumire said, ah, for Musubi not getting on something like this is totally fine.

Then when they said it was yakisoba, she then finally complied. She did everything, tried hard etc. But in the end, she lost. After that, she just... back to her routine and training etc. She finally said, she was thinking how everyone in the group for something, that they have a reason personally, to look for. while for her, all her life she is just answering everyone else's expectation even before that, even for everything.
it is a subconscious thing. when other expect you something, that expectation turn into your own desire.that was why Sumire's words made her stop, because she realized, she herself, did no have the thing she want 'to do'. she answers others, yet she doesnt know her own reasoning. thus she felt she was still on the starting line while the others are already far ahead.
The Episode ended with, by knowing now what she doesnt have, is the step forward to have it.